#GoRed for Eve

Setting off!
It’s 8am on Sunday 29th September, and I’m sitting at my desk with torrential rain and howling winds outside my window. I’m beyond grateful this weather front didn’t hit yesterday! This time yesterday morning, Nicky and I were an hour into a 25km trek through the beautiful Cotswolds in aid of our friends The Eve Appeal.
And what a day it was! An early start saw us congregate with about 30 other women and a couple of men- partners, husbands, dads of women who had experienced one of the 5 gynae cancers- for a quick cup of hot coffee and a briefing by the trek leaders. We set off in the early morning autumn sunshine, and had a really fabulous day (the good weather helped!) trekking in aid of this wonderful charity.
Educating Eve: challenging the stigma around gynaecological health

Nicky before the descent
I love charity events. And the trek yesterday was, for me, a really special one. We’re long time supporters of the Eve Appeal, because their message is one that really resonates with our company mission, and on a personal level too. 21 women a day die from one of the five gynae cancers, and that shocking number stems from a huge taboo around women’s gynaecological health. The Eve Appeal and all their supporters are dedicated to breaking those taboos, and normalising the language of gynae health- starting with the word ‘vagina’! It’s something we talk about a lot at Sylk. Demystifying vaginal dryness and atrophy, and encouraging women to talk frankly about their vaginal health, is what we’re all about. Have a look at the Eve Appeal Educating Eve campaign, where you can read all about the link between women’s health taboos, early detection, and expected outcomes for women suffering with these cancers. It really is eye opening.
Exercising with friends: when women get together
At the finish line for some fizz and a very welcome hot snack! With Tracie Miles, Ask Eve’s resident nurse advisor
There was a great feeling of camaraderie yesterday. Everyone there had some connection to Eve, either because they had been affected by one of the gynae cancers, or a loved one had, but there were a few who were just joining to do something good for a cause they believed in. But I loved the feeling of togetherness too; of exercising with friends, of getting out in nature, of being with like-minded women, whilst doing something that was good for my health.
I think this will start a new chapter for me. I’m going to keep heading out on hikes every weekend, and I hope to get a couple of girlfriends to join me. It’s something I think we all could use a bit of- whether it’s running with friends, yoga, hiking, or just getting together for a doggy walk in the park. That sense of belonging, of airing out worries, of feeling supported in your attempts to get fit and healthy. For me this time, it was about doing some good for a charity I love, while getting back up to my pre-pregnancy levels of fitness. For you it might be to stay healthy in mid-life, or to raise some cash for your favourite charity. Whatever the reason, get a group of your best women together and do something amazing. Your bones, heart, vagina, and maybe a good cause, will definitely thank you for it.
It’s not too late to donate!
Check out our highlights in the video below, then head over to our JustGiving page to make a donation. All proceeds go direct to The Eve Appeal, and Sylk will match your donation. Dig deep!