Professional Literature Sylk is proud to feature in the following professional guides for the medical profession. Royal College of Nursing: Menopause - guidance for nurses, midwives and health visitors Health Pocket Guides from the Royal College of Nursing Primary Care Women's Health Forum: Guidance on Diagnosis and Management of Urogenital Atrophy or Genitourinary Syndrome of the Menopause (GSM) Recent Posts Where can I find Sylk? Vaginal Dryness after Hysterectomy “I want to feel like me again” Nourish to Flourish Perfect pH What is in Sylk? Kingston Menopause Cafe Transform your menopause with yoga RELATED POSTS Overcoming Vaginismus Why it’s good to talk. Sylk are proud supporters of The Happy Menopause Dr Juliet Balfour answers your top 3 menopause questions Posted in Uncategorized and tagged Genitourinary Syndrome of the Menopause, GSM, Women's Health.