Feel like yourself again

“I want to feel like me again”


Does this resonate?

I hear this sentiment from a lot of the mid life women I work with in my coaching practice. Many are successful business women holding senior positions whilst juggling family life. From the outside looking in you would never guess that they are struggling.

Do you feel like this?

Do you feel a bit lost and overwhelmed? Do you struggle to find joy in the everyday? Do you feel like you are just going through the motions?

This is very common for us mid life women and there are lots of things that you can do to overcome these feelings so that you can THRIVE and not just SURVIVE.

Hormone fluctuations as we travel through perimenopause & menopause can play havoc with our bodies and brain. We hear a lot about the physical symptoms like hot flushes & night sweats but less about the mental symptoms like anxiety, low mood and memory loss. Depleted levels of oestrogen can really impact our Dopamine, Serotonin & GABA levels – key neurotransmitters that help us feel happy, satisfied & calm.  If we are not sleeping well, nourishing and hydrating our bodies with what we eat & drink and regularly exercising this can make menopause symptoms feel even worse.

So what can we do? We need to put looking after ourselves at the top of our TO DO list. We can’t do all the things we need to do – look after the family, work, manage the house and perhaps help elderly parents – if we are not prioritising self care. We can’t run on empty. To be the best version of ourselves we need to make sure our engine is full.


1. Prioritise sleep

This is easier said than done particularly if you’re waking with night sweats or wanting to go to the loo throughout the night.  However, sleep is where all the good stuff happens – our brains literally ‘wash’ themselves – our cells rejuvenate and our brains process and make sense of the days events. When we wake up feeling rested and refreshed we feel so much better – we make better decisions, are able to deal with what the day brings and have better clarity and energy.  Having good, restorative sleep is the cornerstone of good health & wellbeing and it is worth putting the effort in to establish a sleep routine.

  1. How we start the day affects how we end the day.  Get up and go to bed at the same time each day.
  2. Avoid scrolling on devices at least an hour before you go to bed.
  3. Expose yourself to daylight within the first hour of waking to balance your circadian rhythm which will help you sleep.  Go for a walk or run, try a morning grounding practice (walk barefoot on the lawn) or simply stand outside with your morning cuppa for a few minutes.
  4. Have a warm bath with Magnesium (Epsom) salts and/or take a Magnesium supplement
  5. Make sure your bedroom is well ventilated, dark and wear breathable, cotton night wear


2. Eat protein with every meal & start the day with protein & healthy fat

Protein is really important for menopause women and we should be including it with every meal and snack, including breakfast!  This will keep us fuller for longer, help balance our blood sugar which will help avoid big dips in our mood and ensure our cortisol levels are low at night to help us sleep.  Protein is also good for supporting muscle repair and growth which will in turn support our metabolism.  Good sources of protein include lean meats, fish, eggs, nuts, beans, seeds and dairy.


3. Drink enough water

Our brains are made up of around 85% water.  Staying hydrated is vital – did you know that if you are even 1-2% dehydrated this can lead to feelings of brain fog and irritability?  Here are some tips to help you drink more water throughout the day:

  1. Have a glass of water upon waking – this will aid digestion and get blood flow pumping
  2. Have a water bottle on your desk at work or nearby at home throughout the day
  3. Add fruit like strawberries, lime, lemon etc or a sprig of mint or rosemary to add some flavour if you struggle with plain water
  4. Eat foods with high water content like cucumbers, tomatoes, celery, apples etc.
  5. Drink a glass of water 2o mins before each meal – good reminder to drink water and help you regulate eating


4. Regular, consistent exercise

Even 10 minutes of exercise daily can have a massive impact on our physical AND mental health.  Whatever your starting point is, you can build on it and grow.  The most important thing is to build movement into your daily routine.  Take the bus instead of walking, go for a walk outside with a friend after work………….put a song on that you love and dance in the kitchen!!!  Whatever you choose to do will be beneficial and if you do it regularly, you will start to feel and see the results very quickly!!  One of the best forms of exercise for menopausal women is strength training as it helps to build muscle and strong bones.  There are lots of free You Tube videos you can use with 20 min to 1 hour programmes!!


5. Cold water therapy

As mentioned above, menopause can impact on the functioning of our neurotransmitters like dopamine.  A proven way to increase dopamine levels is immersing yourself in cold water!  I am a massive fan of wild water swimming and regularly swim in the thames with The Blue Tits swimming group.  It gives me a massive buzz, gives me great satisfaction of having completed something challenging and the camaraderie of being part of a group of like-minded souls.  I have heard it is also good for inflammation and blood pressure.   You can also do cold water therapy in the shower – try switching the shower to cold for the last few seconds or minutes!!

Visit the Sylk website for up to date information and resources on living your best life through menopause & beyond.  Make 2025 your year to shine.




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